ESA title
'Arrowhead'-shaped feature on Titan's surface
Science & Exploration

Follow the 'arrow'... on Titan

02/12/2004 344 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / Cassini-Huygens

Scientists working to understand the newly-exposed surface of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, have found an interesting 'arrowhead'-shaped feature, shown in this Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar image.

The feature is approximately 30 kilometres across, and it is formed from two straight lines that intersect. Other linear features seem to follow the left side of the 'arrow' and perhaps interact in some way with a dark spot. Straight lines may represent fractures or faults in the icy crust, or they may form from material that has flowed or has been shaped by wind.

The area shown is about 115 kilometres wide and 170 kilometres high and is located near latitude 52 degrees North and longitude 73 degrees West. This radar image is part of a larger strip of data acquired on 26 October 2004, as the NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens spacecraft passed Titan at a distance of 1200 kilometres.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a co-operative project of NASA, ESA and ASI, the Italian space agency.

Credits: NASA/JPL

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