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Exercise 2: Lava Detection using Supervised Classification - continued

Training fields

  • Choose an RGB band combination (e.g. 4-5-3) and stretch the image so that you can visually distinguish between different classes.
  • Multivariate Analysis >Supervised Classification > Select Training Fields or press on the red TF icon. A new bar will open.
  • Press the open icon in TF bar
  • Open the file TF_2001_6cl.sav
  • Inspect some of the training fields and look at the classes.
Training fields for Landsat 2001 (FCC 4-5-3), 6 classes
To learn how to work with the GIS module, please refer to the tutorial on p. 92.

To draw some more training fields:

  • Digitise an area.
  • Finish the polygon with a right click on the mouse.
  • In the training fields window name the polygon according to the class and then press enter.
  • Save the result (the icon is in the TF bar).

Running the classification, assigning colours to classes

  • Open the un-stretched (original) Landsat 2001 bands number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 separately as greyscale images.
  • Mark the FCC where you have opened the training fields before.
  • Go to Multivariate Analysis >Supervised Classification > Maximum Likelihood.
  • Pressing the shift button, mark the un-stretched band number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 of Landsat 2001.
  • Set the threshold to 0 (zero) so that all pixels get classified
  • Press OK
  • The process will now run for several seconds to one minute, depending on the image size, the number of bands, and your computer.



Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira
Change detection and hazard assessment
Worksheet introductionExercise 1: Exploring and learning about the volcanoExercise 2: Lava Detection using Supervised ClassificationExercise 3: Multitemporal Change Detection and Monitoring
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