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Article Images
Olieforurening fra borerig
ERS satellite
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Like its predecessor ERS-1 (launched in July 1991 by Ariane 4, the ERS-2 satellite (launched on 21 April 1995 also by Ariane 4) monitors the ground day and night under all weather conditions thanks to its powerful sharp-eyed, cloud-piercing radars. ERS-2 also carries an instrument to help monitor the ozone layer.

Credits: ESA
  Overvågning af skibstrafik
Oil dumped during cleaning operations
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The biggest contributor to oil pollution in the world's oceans is operational discharges from tankers. That is oil dumped during cleaning operations. The amount of oil introduced in the sea by such operations is equivalent to one full tanker disaster every week.

Olieforurening på havet
Bidrag til et renere havHjælp! - en stor oliepøl er på vej mod kysten!
Mere på internettet
Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT)
Eduspace - Software
LEOWorks 3
Eduspace - Download
Miljøkatastrofe på olieplatform (PDF)Hjælp! En stor oliepøl er på vej mod kysten!Hjælp! En stor oliepøl er på vej mod kysten! (brug af LEOWorks)Hjælp! En stor oliepøl er på vej mod kysten! (rapporteringsformular)Bidrag til et renere havBidrag til et renere hav (rapporteringsformular)Bidrag til et renere hav (LEOWorks)
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