European Space Agency

Working Hypotheses for EuroMoon 2000

  1. A small, highly motivated and innovative core team (about 15 members, partnership ESA/industry) would perform the prime-contractor- type tasks, starting with an extensive source- identification search, with a maximum of delegated authority and a minimum of formal reporting.

  2. Both space- and non-space component and subsystem suppliers would be approached, with no industrial return constraints provided they are located in Europe, seeking best prices for off-the-shelf equipment and free support wherever possible in integrating and exploiting that equipment (to be repaid through advertising opportunities).

  3. Significant support would be drawn from ESA's own facilities, in terms of spacecraft testing (ESTEC) and mission simulation and operational support (ESOC), including real-time involvement during the critical approach and landing phases.

  4. Development models will be required for the design of the Lander system, with early field tests allowing modifications based on real test results.

  5. Involvement of academia for high-skill labour-intensive developments such as the guidance, navigation and control software.

  6. Solicitation of sponsors, with offers of appropriate advertising possibilities, and endorsement of the mission by the European Commission to further enhance the educational and cultural impact of this Millennium space event.

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Right Left Up Home EuroMoon 2000 (BR-122).
Published December 1996.
Developed by ESA-ESRIN ID/D.