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Overview of MA31750 tools

This page is given for information, not for advertisement. The information given here represents the knowledge of the authors at a given moment and does not pretend to be exhaustive.

Proprietary tools
Ada compiler from TLD (USA)
Open source

The GNU compilation system for the 1750 was initially composed of two main parts.

  1. a set of tools developed by CNS (Chris Nettleton SW) under the Agency's contract ESTEC/11935/NL/JG, and namely:
    1. GNU C compiler (gcc-2.7.2)
    2. Linker, assembler, archiver, etc (binutils-2.7)
    3. Standalone C library
    4. POSIX-Threads library (IEEE 1003.1c-1995) (a preemptive real time executive)
    5. GNU Debugger (gdb-4.16) for the 1750
  2. a set of tools either developed internally in the Agency or available from external sources, and namely:
    1. CRTX (the SmartCom small cyclic/synchronous real time executive - external)
    2. Standalone 1750 simulator (O. Kellogg sim1750-2.3b - external)
    3. wxIDE (a portable Integrated Development Environment based on J. Smart wxWindows 2.65 - internal)


It has been ported to Windows and can be downloaded from the right menu. GCC-1750 is Copyright (c) 1996, Chris Nettleton Software, Farnborough, UK . GCC-1750 has been funded by the European Space Agency, ESTEC contract 11935/NL/JG. The WIN32 port has been established by: Maurizio Martignano. It is distributed under the GNU licence. This software is provided "as-is'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the European Space Agency be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

System Requirements are a CPU: >= 486 (Min. DX66); RAM: >= 16 Mb; HARD DISK: 100 Mb; Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0

NOTE: The file `CTL3D32.DLL' must be already present in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. This file has not been included in the distribution on purpose so that users can get the latest version when they install their Windows system.


Procedure for installation of the GCC-1750-WIN32

  1. Download the zip file `W1750.ZIP' from the right menu;
  2. Extract in the root directory of one or your system's hard disks (e.g. "C:") the ZIP file using a 32bit extraction routine (this operation should put all the distribution on your disk in a directory called C:\W1750);
  3. Supposing that the hard disk was C, modify the `path' variable in your `AUTOEXEC.BAT' file by adding the following line:
    set PATH=C:\W1750\BIN;%PATH%
  4. Reboot your system so that the changes made in your `AUTOEXEC.BAT' file take place.

One small subset of the software used to test the GCC-1750 and the GCC-1750-WIN32 is a "simulated" flight application. This application controls three thermal loops, reads telecommands and sends back some telemetry. A preemptive version - based on POSIX Threads - is available (tcdemo)
All the MA31750 gcc tools are maintained by XGC Software
Last update: 2 August 2006


Related links
gcc1750 downloadtcdemo.ctcdemo.cofAda InfoXGC Software
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