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Watch live: ESA Council, Space Council and press conference

22/05/2024 496 views 3 likes
ESA / About Us / Corporate news

Watch live on 23 May to follow the public segments of the ESA Ministerial meeting and the joint EU-ESA Space Council taking place in Brussels, Belgium. Live coverage starts at 09:45 BST (10:45 CEST).

A concluding press conference will also be streamed from 12:30 BST (13:30 CEST).

All live coverage can be followed on ESA Web TV.

325th ESA Council at ministerial level

09:45-10:10 BST (10:45-11:10 CEST) - Ministers of ESA Member States and the ESA Executive Board will meet in an ESA Council at ministerial Level.

11th Space Council

10:15-12:15 BST (11:15-13:15 CEST) - Ministers from the ESA Council will join with those from the EU Council in a common space council to discuss the future of Europe in space.

Access the replays of the 325th ESA Council at ministerial level and the 11th Space Council 


ESA-EU press conference

12:30-13:00 BST (13:30-14:00 CEST) - A concluding joint press conference chaired by the Belgian EU Presidency, State Secretary Thomas Dermine, and the German ESA Ministerial Council Chair, Federal Aerospace Coordinator Anna Christmann, with ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher and Timo Pesonen, EU DG Internal Market.

Access the replay of the ESA-EU press conference