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Watch live: ESA Council meeting at Ministerial level

21/11/2022 9965 views 47 likes
ESA / About Us / Corporate news

The ESA Council at Ministerial level (CM22) is taking place in Paris, France, on 22 and 23 November. ESA’s Member States, Associate Members and Cooperating States will be invited to together strengthen Europe’s space ambitions and ensure that space continues to serve European citizens. Follow our live coverage of CM22 via ESA WebTV.

Opening sessions and statements

Our coverage starts at 09:00 CET (08:00 GMT) on 22 November with the following opening sessions and statements:

  • Opening of the meeting by Hosting Minister, the French Minister responsible for space
  • Election of the Chair of CM22
  • Adoption of the Agenda
  • Statement by the Chair of the CM22
  • Statement by the Chair of Council meetings at delegate level
  • The Director General’s proposal on ESA accelerating the use of space in Europe
  • Statements by Member States and observers


Media conference

On 23 November, watch the CM22 media conference live on ESA WebTV from 14:45 to 15:30 CET (13:45-14:30 GMT). (Updated 23 November, press briefing is starting later than previously published)


More about CM22

Find out more about CM22 on the ESA Vision website.