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30 Aniversario del CIDA-E / 30 Anniversary CIDA-E

26/09/2005 417 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

30 Aniversario del CIDA-E
El Centro de Investigación y Difusión Aeronáutico-Espacial, de Uruguay, creado en 1975, realiza estudios e investigaciones, promoviendo, a través de sus Comisiones de Investigación, la puesta al día de su país en lo referente a la legislación aeronáutica y espacial, tanto interna como internacional.

Anualmente edita su Revista, que cuenta con el aporte de destacados especialistas nacionales y extranjeros y contiene artículos de doctrina, legislación e informaciones de interés en materia aeroespacial.

En cumplimiento de sus cometidos, organiza seminarios, talleres y conferencias de participación multidisciplinaria, entre los que merece destacarse la III Conferencia Espacial de las Américas realizada en 1996 en Punta del Este.

Mantiene convenios de cooperación científica y vinculaciones con instituciones similares extranjeras, y es miembro, entre otros, de la Federación Internacional de Astronáutica (IAF) y del Instituto Internacional de Derecho Espacial (IISL).

30 Anniversary CIDA-E
The CIDA-E was established in 1975 in Uruguay , as a public organization, with the aim of studying and promoting the study of aeronautic and space issues; of spreading the results of its researches and studies, helping in this way to create public awareness about the importance of these matters.

Through the studies and reports of its Research Commissions, the Center has promoted the approval and ratification of several aeronautic and space international treaties, and has helped to keep updated the national legislation of its country.

It publishes an annual Review of worldwide circulation, containing articles written by national and foreign specialists, legislation and information about aerospace matters.

CIDA-E organizes seminars, workshops and conferences with multidisciplinary attendance, among which it should be mentioned the III Space Conference of the Américas, held in 1996 in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

It has signed scientific cooperation agreements with similar organizations and it is Member of other ones, among them, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL).