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Philippe Achilleas

Philippe Achilleas

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Dr. Philippe Achilleas is Vice-Dean of the Faculty Jean Monnet (University Paris-Sud 11, France). He is director of the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law and of the Master’s Degree in Law of Space Activities and Telecommunications at the University Paris-Sud 11.

Philippe Achilleas
Philippe Achilleas

He obtained his degree of Doctorate in International and European Law - with honors, from University Panthéon - Sorbonne (Paris I).

Dr. Achilleas has taught various subjects, including space and telecommunications law as well as International and European Law at numerous universities in France and in other countries.

He is the author of numerous publications in various subjects related to International and European Law, Space Law and Space Policy, and Communications Law and Policy. He is also consultant for space companies and spaces agencies.

Maître de conférences
Director of the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law
Director of the Master in Space Activities and Telecommunications Law



2003 Habilitation à diriger les recherches, Government award to direct PhD students in public law

2000 Qualification by the National University Council in public law, French competitive exam to teach at university level

2000 Doctorate in International and European Law - with honors, University Panthéon - Sorbonne (Paris I)

1994 Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, One year post Graduate Study in Communication Law - with honors University Panthéon - Assas (Paris II)

1993 Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, One year post Graduate Study in International Law and International Organisations - with honor, University Panthéon - Sorbonne (Paris I)

1992 Maîtrise in Public Law Law Faculty Jean Monnet at Sceaux (Paris Sud - 11)

French: Mother tongue
English: Bilingual
Greek: Very good knowledge, reading, written and spoken
Indonesian: Beginner

Software: Word, PowerPoint and Publisher
Data Base: ISIS (Developed by the UNESCO)



1993 - 2007 Law Faculty Jean Monnet in Sceaux (Université Paris Sud - 11, France)
Maître de conférences since 2001 (Tenure)
Founder and director of the Master in Space Activities and Telecommunications Law
Co-founder of the Master in Law of International and European Activities
Courses: International Public Law, European Law, International Relations, Human Rights and Social Freedoms, Administrative Law, Economic Public Law, Space Law, Telecommunications Law, and Media Law

2000 - 2007 International Space University (Strasbourg, France)
Part-time Faculty in Law and Policy

2002 - 2007 Cleveland University (USA)
Adjunct Professor in International Law

2004 – 2007 Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité – Supelec (Orsay, France)
Guest lecturer in Space and Telecommunications Law

2005 – 2007 Ecole Nationale de l’Air et de l’Espace (Supaéro) (Toulouse, France)
Guest lecturer in Space and Telecommunications Law

2004 – 2006 Ecole de Formation du Barreau – Barrister school (Paris, France)
Guest lecturer in Law

2000 – 2005 University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg, France)
Guest lecturer in Law

2000 – 2001 University of Evry (France)
Guest lecturer in Administrative Law

1995 – 2000 American Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy (Paris, France)
Guest lecturer in New Technologies of Information Law and Policy

1996 – 1998 International Institute of Public Administration - Paris
Guest lecturer in International Law


Founder and Director of the Institute of Space & Telecommunications Law – Université Paris Sud – 11
Member of the European Center for Space Law (ECSL)
Member of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL)

Publications, Studies and Participation in Colloquiums in various fields linked to international law and New Technologies (full list of works and publications available in the Annex):
¨ International and European Law
¨ Space Law and Space Policy
¨ Communications Law and Policy


Coach for the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition
¨ Year 1997: Winning team in the European round and Winning team in the world round (best memorial award and best claimant award)
¨ Year 1998: 2nd Team in the European round
¨ Year 1999: Winning team in the European round and 2nd team in the Word round (best memorial award)
¨ Year 2000: Winning team in the European round and Winning team in the World round (best memorial)
¨ Year 2001: 2nd Team in the European round
¨ Year 2002 : 2nd Team in the European round

Judge for the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition, European Round Since 2003

Director of the competition Space & Human Rights organized in collaboration with the European Court of Human Rights
¨ Year 2001's theme: Broadcasting via satellite and freedom of information
¨ Year 2002's theme: Remote sensing and Human Rights

Organization of simulation of international negotiation workshops
¨ September 2006, ECSL Summer Course, Noordwijk – theme : Space and Scientific Knowledge
¨ September 2005, ECSL Summer Course, Terni – theme : the Use of Space for Sustainable Developement
¨ September 2004, ECSL Summer Course, Graz, - theme : The Use of Space for Bridging Digital Divide
¨ September 2003, ECSL Summer Course, Louvain – theme : A Declaration on the Use of Satellite Applications for the Benefit of Developing Countries
¨ September 2002, ECSL Summer Course, La Rochelle – theme: A Code of Conduct for Satellite Navigation
¨ Febuary 2002, ISU's Master program, Strasbourg – theme: A Declaration on Space Ethics
¨ September 2001, ECSL Summer Course, Nice – Theme: A code of conduct for Space Transportation
¨ Febuary 2001, ISU's Master program, Strasbourg – theme: A Declaration on Space Ethics


Member of the Board of the European Center for Space Law (ECSL)

General Secretary of the Association pour le Développement du Droit de l'Espace en France

Member of the working group for the elaboration of the French Space Legislation, under the supervision of the French Prime Minister (2005-2006)

Representative of the International Space University to the Legal Sub-Committee of the Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (2000 – 2002).