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Eduardo Bressel at Thales Alenia

"Meet ECSL Members" Series: Eduardo Bressel, Thales Alenia Space Young Talent Programme Participant

17/11/2017 1590 views 8 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Meet ECSL Member Eduardo Bressel, a young professional taking part in Thales Alenia Space's Young Talent Programme in Spain. While also studying a Master in Innovation in the Digital Era and Information Management. As an overall  space enthusiast, Eduardo has also taken part in many ECSL activities, is engaged with research at the University of Leuphana and is an active participants in the space law community! We asked him to tell us about the work he does for Thales Alenia, how he got the job and if he has any tips for others looking to break into the space sector.

What is your name, where do you come from and where do you work?

My name is Eduardo Bressel. I come from Zaragoza, Spain. I am currently doing the Young Talent Program of Thales Alenia Space in Madrid, Spain. I am specializing in drafting and negotiating contracts for the design and manufacturing of space systems. During my free time I work as a researcher for the Prof. Lesley Jane Smith (Leuphana Universität). My last research dealt with the “Legal Regulation of Stratospheric Balloon Flights and Uses”.

Describe your workplace and a normal day at work:

My daily work is focused on giving legal advice to my company for any contractual problem which can derive from the design and manufacturing of space systems. These problems include among others: the trasnmission of confidential information, intelectual property rights, review of new contracts and clauses, adjustment of the payment plan and delivery schedule, etc..

I also take part in the negotiations of contracts in order to ensure that all rights and obligations are acceptable for my company. Sometimes some clauses could compromise the normal activity of a company, e.g. violation of competition law, excessives liabilities, etc..

What is your educational background, and how did you get the job you have today?

I have a Bachelor in Law by the University of Zaragoza (Spain) and I specialized in Space Law during an international program with Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg, Germany. I have taken part in different courses, such as the Space Law and Policy course by the European Centre of Space Law and the Future of Outer Space Security course by the Geneva Centre of Security, where I focused on Space Defence and Strategy. I am currently studying a master in Innovation in the Digital Era and Information Management.

After finishing my law degree I worked in ESA´s Procurement Department at ESAC (Madrid, Spain) for 6 months, drafting and negotiating contracts. I can assure that the work I have today is largely due to this internship. Working at ESA is one of the best starts you can have in your professional career. It allows to have a global vision of the European space industry.

What is your favourite thing about the work you do?

The best thing about my work is that I am constantly learning from others with more experience than me. From a professional point of view I would say that negotiating a contract  is one of my favourite tasks, but it is as grateful as tough. This industry is quite small in terms of companies. Those who are your suppliers today, could be your customers tomorrow. Therefore, the behaviour between parties must be equal and respectful.

Mr. Eduardo Bressel
Mr. Eduardo Bressel

Is there a current issue relating to space law and/or policy which you are particularly fascinated by, and why?

For me, the most fascinating topic relating to space law and policy is space debris. Even though it is a problem of large dimensions for the future of the space industry, the treaties of the United Nations do not allow the removal of space objects that belong to another Launching State, even if it these objects are abandoned and pose a risk to other objects. This incongruity is what makes law so special. We have to be constantly working to find legal solutions to real problems.

How did you first get involved with the ECSL?

I got in touch with the ECSL through its Manfred Lachs Moot Court Competition. I was a member of the German team from Lüneburg.

What has been the ECSL activity that has influenced you the most so far, and why?

It is difficult to decide between the Moout Court Competition and The Space Law and Policy summer course from ECSL. Both experiences have been an amazing oportunity to start my professional career. I have met incredible people and I have learnt countless knowledge.

Do you have any advice for others who wish to enter into a career relating to space law and policy?

Studying space law means keeping an eye on the future. In the last 60 yearsthe human being has gone from looking at the moon to being able to step on it. Studying space law and policy will allow you to take part of the incoming years, which I can assure they are going to be unbeliavable!

Space Law is not only composed of the United Nations Treaties, but also all of the national space regulations, which are currently emerging. Therefore, space law is a constant progress and learning. Learning something new every day is what motivates me the most.


The idea behind this series is to showcase the diverse range of opportunities within space law and policy, inspire others to enter into the field and encourage interaction between our members. The opinions expressed in this article is that of the subject(s) interviewed, and not the ECSL or ESA.

If you wish to be part of this series, or nominate another ECSL member/institution – please contact the ECSL Executive Secretary Ms. Mari Eldholm -

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