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Porto, Portugal

Save the Date – Ecsite Space Group workshop, 13–14 June in Portugal

11/04/2017 922 views 42 likes
ESA / About Us / Exhibitions / Ecsite Space Group

“Life everywhere” is the theme of this year’s Ecsite’s annual conference in Porto, Portugal, from 1318 June.

As part of the conference, ESA and the Ecsite Space Group have organised a workshop, “Space for life, develop and share resources” from 1314 June.

As agreed during the Space Group annual meeting held last December at ESA’s Astronaut Centre in Cologne, the two-day workshop will be dedicated to:

  • Space news from ESA, the FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Space Office, and national industries.
  • Sharing the new kit “The International Space Station: Living and working in Space” with a ready-to-use exhibition and ideas for learning activities. The project is co-led by Cité de l’Espace, in Toulouse, France and Tycho Brahe Planetarium, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Representatives from science centres and museums can access a catalogue of ESA resources related to this.

Ecsite Annual Conference 2016 workshop
Ecsite Annual Conference 2016 workshop
  • The second phase of Project 2 “Is there life out there?” is an educational game developed in 2017, led by City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain. By following the story of life on Earth, the game explores our Solar System and possible new worlds to host life.
  •  Further developing the project “Climate change: Monitoring the Atmosphere and Oceans from Space” towards completion in 2018.
  • The presentation of space projects by participants.

Representatives of ESA, the FCT Space Office and national space industries will give presentations and be able to discuss, exchange ideas and work with delegates of museums and science centres.

The preliminary programme of the workshop is available here for download in pdf format.

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