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Lake Garda, Italy

Earthnet & Long-Term Data Preservation (LTDP)

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ESA / About Us / Ministerial Council 2012

As part of ESA’s mandatory basic activities, which contribute to Europe’s push to further knowledge, Earthnet has been a cornerstone in Earth observation activities in Europe for more than 30 years.

It prepares, supports and complements ESA Earth observation missions by providing European scientists coherent access to third party missions via standardised interfaces.

Earthnet ensures complementarity with national missions and programmes as well as international cooperation, a vital aspect in Earth sciences. It triggers investments in ESA optional programmes, supports Member States’ national investment in Earth observation, and allows European users to access a large portfolio of international missions.

Since long time series of datasets are needed to determine changes in our planet’s climate, it is vital that Earth observation satellite data and other Earth Science data are preserved for future generations and are still accessible and usable after many years.

Proposal to the Ministerial Council

The continuation of Earthnet's important functions in the next Level of Resources funding period will be proposed.

ESA’s Long-Term Data Preservation (LTDP) activities are targeted on the preservation of this scientific and environmental data from space missions, as knowledge of the past forms the basis for better managing the future. LTDP will capitalise on previous investments and infrastructure, which will offer long-term benefits for downstream data exploitation.

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