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Further reading on European space history

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ESA / About Us / ESA history
  • Alleati competitivi
    Origni e sviluppo della cooperazione spaziale fra Europa e Stati Uniti 1957-1973
    Lorenza Sebesta
    Editori Laterza 2003
    ISBN 88-420-6938-8


  • Ariane, une épopée européenne.
    William Huon, ETAI 2007
    208 pages
    ISBN: 978-2-7268-8709-7 €48.00


  • Cap sure les etoiles. L'aventure spatiale francaise.
    Pierre Chiquet. Editeur: JML 2005
    ISBN: 2-84928-087-9 €24.00


  • La contribution de la Belgique à l’aventure spatiale européenne Des origins à 1973
    Dawinka Laureys
    Beauchesne, Paris 2008*


  • Cooperating for Success: 200 Meetings of the ESA Council 1975-2008
    Edited by C. Walker
    ESA BR-272
    (May 2008)


  • Europe in Space 1960-1973
    John Krige and Arturo Russo
    ESA SP-1172
    (September 1994)


  • Le Général Robert Aubinière
    Propos d'un des pères de la conquête spatiale française
    Robert Aubinière et André Lebeau
    L’Harmatton, Paris 2008


  • Geschichte der deutschen Raumfahrtpolitik
    Konzepte, Einflußfaktoren und Interdependenzen 1923-2002
    Niklas Reinke
    Schriften des Forschungsinstituts der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.
    1. Auflage
    2004. 602 S., Abb.: 73, bound
    ISBN 3-486-56842-6 €49.80


  • The History of the European Space Agency
    Proceedings of an International Symposium
    London, 11-13 November 1998
    ESA SP-436
    (June 1999)


  • The History of German Space Policy*
    Ideas, influences, and interdependence 1923-2002
    Niklas Reinke
    Translated by Barry Smerin and Barbara Wilson
    Beauchesne, Paris 2007


  • International Cooperation in Space: The Example of the European Space Agency
    Roger-M. Bonnet, Vittorio Manno
    Frontiers of Space series Harvard University Press, 1994
    163 pages ISBN: 0674458354, 9780674458352


  • Italy in Space
    In search of a strategy 1957-1975
    Michelangelo de Maria and Lucia Orlando
    Beauchesne, Paris 2008*


  • Making Sense of Space
    The history of Norwegian space activities
    Edited by John Peter Collett
    Scandinavian University Press
    Oslo-Stockholm, Copenhagen, Boston


  • A Nordic Satellite Project Understood as a Trans-national Effort.
    Nina Wormbs
    In: History and Technology Vol. 22, No. 3, September 2006, pp.257-75


  • A Place in Space
    The history of Swiss participation in European space programmes 1960-1987
    Stephan Zellmeyer
    Beauchesne, Paris 2008*


  • Proceedings of the Workshop on the History of Spacelab
    ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL
    22-23 April 1997
    ESA SP-411
    (July 1997)


  • A Short History of Irish Space Activities
    Paul Clancy
    ESA HSR-40


  • The Skylark Rocket
    British Space Science and the European Space Research Organisation 1957-1972
    Matthew Godwin
    Beauchesne, Paris 2008*


  • Spain and the European Space Effort
    Edited by José María Dorado Gutiérez
    Beauchesne, Paris 2008*


  • The Story of ESRO's Sounding Rocket Programme:
    In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the
    first ESRO Sunding Rocket launch
    ESA BR-60
    (September 1989)


  • La Suisse, l'Europe et l'Espace
    Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe
    Centre de recherches européennes
    (December 2000) German version also available.


  • Suomalaisen Avaruustutkimuksen Historia
    Ilkka Seppinen
    Helsinki University Press 2004
    ISBN 951-570-573-8


  • Sweden in Space:
    Swedish space activities 1959-1972
    Jan Stiernstedt
    ESA SP-1248
    (March 2001)


  • La Terra Vista Dall’alto
    Breve storia della militarizzazione dello spazio
    Lorenza Sebesta and Filippo Pigliacelli
    Carocci editore, Rome 2008


  • Twenty Years of the ESA Convention
    Proceedings of an International Symposium
    Munich, Germany
    4-6 September 1995
    ESA SP-387
    (November 1995)


  • The 20 Years of the Ariane Programme
    Proceedings of a colloquium held on 30 July 1993, at the Palais d'Egmont-Arenberg
    Place du Peti Sablon 8
    1000 Bruxelles
    Published by ESA


  • Der Wissenschaftsmacher
    Reimar Lüst im Gespräch mit Paul Nolte
    C.H. Beck, Munich 2008

    * These books are part of the Explorations, Studies in Modern Science and Technology series from the International Academy of the History of Science (Director, Robert Halleux)

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