ESA title
Space App Camp 2020

Space App Camp 2020 goes digital

30/06/2020 3452 views 27 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus

ESA invites App developers and specialists in artificial intelligence and machine learning to apply to take part in this year’s Space App Camp, which will be held on 11–21 September. Like many events now, the App Camp will take place online. 

Offering a virtual workspace for 20 developers, 2020 ESA Space App Camp will include a comprehensive preparatory phase as well as the 11-day camp – during which participants will not only be able to exchange new ideas with like-minded developers, but also gain insights into how ESA operates.

With the support of experts from the sectors of Earth observation, artificial intelligence and business, participants will be tasked with devising innovative apps and feasible business models in one of five subject areas: smart green cities, food security, health, tourism and coastal monitoring. In honour of a former ESA employee, Luigi Fusco, an additional topic on agriculture is also included.

The prize includes €2500 in cash, technical coaching from ESA’s Φ-lab on artificial intelligence for Earth observation, a one-week visit to the Φ-lab in 2021 at ESA’s Centre for Earth Observation near Rome in Italy including travel and accommodation, as well as a technical support package worth around €3500.

2019 App Camp winners
2019 App Camp winners

The winners will also have the opportunity to apply for further incubation at one of the ESA Business Incubation Centres.

Lars Berg-Jensen, part of the Vake|Catch team that won in 2019, said, “We knew ESA and the Copernicus programme, but meeting key people at ESA was a great new opportunity.”

Since the Space App Camp’s inception nine years ago, around 460 developers from 30 countries have applied to participate and more than 55 applications have been developed. Some of these have already found their way into commercially viable applications.

An array of Earth observation satellites, Europe's Copernicus Sentinel missions, collect untold amounts of data as they circle our planet. This big data from space offers countless opportunities in connection with mobile apps. Thanks to new developments in big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, commercial products – and mobile apps in particular – are becoming ever more proficient at handling huge quantities of information.

Interested students, researchers, developers and economists can apply as individuals or teams of up to four people. The deadline for application is 14 August.

2019 Space App Camp
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