ESA title
Enabling & Support

SEISOP, Space Environment Information System for Operations

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology
SW001 - Abstract:
The European Space Agency has developed a tool for monitoring and analysis of space weather conditions. The system collects relevant spacecraft and space environment data and provides them through a web client interface. A license agreement is sought.

Description of the offer:

Spacecraft are subject to harsh space environment conditions that influence their performance and reliability as well as their lifetime. The space environment is defined by space weather conditions that result mainly from solar activity. The effects of space weather on a spacecraft are manifold (e.g. single event upsets, degradation of solar arrays, changes in orbit dynamics, loss of instrument functionalities and reduced quality of science data). Therefore, knowledge and awareness of space weather events and conditions are key inputs for the decision making processes, e.g. about when and how long to protect the spacecraft instruments during hazardous space weather conditions.

SEISOP (Space Environment Information System for Operations) is a system for collecting such data about space weather, with support for multiple missions. Data is collected and stored in a set of databases in near real-time. In addition, the mission and space weather historical data is kept for data analysis and cause-effect correlation. SEISOP is available to users through its web client interface. This tool provides real-time data visualisation, assessment and alarm monitoring. It also enables historical data analysis and correlation, as well as the creation of reports.

SEISOP provides a set of open web service interfaces to retrieve data from and inject new data into the system. To demonstrate these capabilities as a platform for the development and integration of space environment models, SEISOP includes a set of external modules implementing models for the forecasting of space weather activity (Forecasting Module) and for estimating the effects of such events on spacecraft systems (G4MRES). SEISOP is enabled by standard technologies such as data warehousing and web services.

Innovations and advantages:

Space weather is one of the major sources for abnormal behaviour and ageing of spacecraft. Onboard protection mechanisms are often inaccurate or not available. In order to address these problems with the goal of increasing productivity, e.g. science return, and the health of the spacecraft, operators require better awareness of space weather events and conditions. SEISOP collects relevant space environment data and provides them to Flight Control Teams (FCT) through a web client interface, which displays both real-time and historical data, and allows users to generate space weather reports. SEISOP could potentially be used in other domains requiring accurate space weather information, such as telecommunications and air transportation.

Domain of application:

SEISOP is a generic system and can support multiple space missions. Currently spacecraft telemetry and orbital data from INTEGRAL, ENVISAT, XMM, VEX, MEX and Rosetta missions are available.

The system may be used for applications with similar software capability requirements in the high-tech industry.

  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
  • Alternative Energy
  • Data processing, analysis and input services
  • Databases and on-line information services
  • Industrial measurement and sensing equipment
  • Airlines

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