ESA title
Science & Exploration

MagISStra mission: Information for the media

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / MagISStra

ESA's astronaut Paolo Nespoli will be launched in a Soyuz TMA spacecraft from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 15 December at 20:09 CET with Dmitri Kondratyev and Catherine Coleman for a challenging 6-month mission on the International Space Station (ISS) as members of Expeditions 26/27.

After the launch their orbit will be gradually raised and fine-tuned during the two-day cruise and they are scheduled to arrive at the Station on Friday evening, 17 December at 21:12 CET (20:12 GMT).

This will be Paolo’s second time aboard the ISS: he flew in 2007 on a Space Shuttle to deliver and install the Node-2 module.

Paolo’s MagISStra mission will be Europe’s third long-duration mission on the ISS. Between December 2010 and June 2011 he will be part of the ISS crew as a flight engineer.

In addition to his technical and operational duties, he has an extensive programme of scientific experiments and educational activities. He will use a novel 3D camera to show realistic views from inside and outside the ISS.

Download the 37-page MagISStra launch press kit (pdf) here. (or an Italian version.)

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Contact persons:

Rosita Suenson
Human Spaceflight Communication Programme Officer,
Communication Department, ESA
Tel. +31 71 565 3009
Mobile: +31 652 062 158

Jean Coisne
Head of the Outreach office at the European Astronaut Centre, ESA
Tel. T +49 2203 60 01 110

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