ESA title
Science & Exploration

Eneide Mission facts

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Eneide - Vittori mission

Soyuz flight 10S to the International Space Station. The crew includes Italian ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori. During his stay on ISS Roberto Vittori will work on a programme of experiments as well as educational and PR activities. The mission also serves to exchange the permanent ISS crew; Expedition 11 flies to ISS, Expedition 10 returns to Earth together with Vittori. Furthermore, the Soyuz, which serves as a rescue vehicle for the resident ISS crew in case of an on board emergency, is replaced. The Soyuz needs to be replaced every six months.

15 April 2005, 04:46 Moscow time (02:46 CEST, 00:46 UT)

17 April 2005, 06:20 Moscow time (04:20 CEST, 02:20 UT)
Hatch opening:
17 April 2005, 08:45 Moscow time (06:45 CEST, 04:45 UT)

Hatch closing (schedule time):
24 April 2005, 19:34 Moscow time (17:34 CEST, 15:34 UT)
Undocking (schedule time):
24 April 2005, 22:44 Moscow time (20:44 CEST, 18:44 UT)

Landing (schedule time):
25 April 2005, 02:07 Moscow time (00:07 CEST; 24 April 22:07 UT)

Launch site:
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Landing site:
Kazakh Steppe, near town of Arkalyk or Dzhezkazgan

Launch vehicle:
Soyuz TMA-6

Return vehicle:
Soyuz TMA-5

Crew Soyuz 10S (up):
Commander Sergei Krikalev (Roscosmos)
Soyuz Flight Engineer Roberto Vittori (ESA)
2nd Soyuz Flight Engineer John L. Phillips (NASA)

Crew Soyuz 9S (down):
Soyuz Commander Shalizhan Sharipov (Roscosmos)
Soyuz Flight Engineer Roberto Vittori (ESA)
2nd Soyuz Flight Engineer Leroy Chiao (NASA)

Back-up crew:
Mikhail Tyurin (Roscosmos)
Robert Thirsk (CSA)
Dan Tani (NASA)