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MetOp general links

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / MetOp
ALCATEL Telecommunications industry
Assurance Technology Corporation (formerly Panametrics) Space Instrumentation division
Austrian Aerospace Member of the SAAB ERICSSON Space Group
Bremen University -
GOME page
Bremen University -
NRT 2002
GOME-NRT 2002 page
CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
Experimental Tropical Cyclone Products
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere: Experimental Tropical Cyclone Products
CIRA - AMSU Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere: AMSU Website
CNES Centre National d'Études Spatiales (National Centre for Space Studies)
COSPAS SARSAT COSPAS-SARSAT is the International Satellite System for Search and Rescue
ERS-2 Near-Real-Time
GOME/ERS-2 Near-Real-Time Products
DND Department of National Defence Canada
DNMI The Norwegian Metereological Institute
EADS Astrium EADS Astrium GmbH is located in Germany and EADS Astrium Ltd is located in the UK
EMS EMS Technologies is a provider of wireless satellite and broadband communications products
ESA - ENVISAT Environmental Satellite
ESA - ERS 1&2 ERS 1 & 2 page
ESA - ERS 2 ERS 2 page
ESA - ESRIN Cyclone tracking
ESA - Quarterly no. 58 Earth Observation Quarterly no. 58, Special edition: GOME (March 1998)
EUMETSAT - GRAS European organisation for exploitation of Meteorological Satellites - GRAS SAF
EUMETSAT - home European organisation for exploitation of Meteorological Satellites - homepage
Galileo Avionica Officine Galileo B.U. Spazio are part of Alenia Difesa - Avionics Systems and Equipment Division, the Finmeccanica company
GFZ Potsdam The Champ Mission
GMDSS Basic concepts of Global Maritime Distress Safety System
GMV Space, Defence company. S.A.
GRACE Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment page of the University of Texas
Heidelberg University Satellite group of the Heidelberg University
IASI Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer of the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) in France
IFARS Institute For Applied Remote Sensing - Land Applications of Scatterometer Data
INNOWARE INNOWARE A/S is an independent Danish company
ITT AVHRR/3 is developed by ITT
KNMI - home GOME page
KNMI - todays ozone values Todays Ozone values
LABEN LABEN S.p.A. is company of Finmeccanica, the largest aerospace group in Italy
NASA SCP NASA's Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder page
NOAA - AMSU NOAA - AMSU Precipitation Products page
NOAA - ARGOS NOAA ARGOS Data Collection System page
NOAA - AVHRR NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer page
NOAA - GVI NOAA Global Vegetation Index (GVI)
NOAA - home National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - homepage
NOAA - NESDIS NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)
NOAA - NIC NOAA National Ice Centre (NIC)
NOAA - Operational AMSU Precipitation Products Satellite-Derived Surface and Precipitation Information
NOAA - OSEI NOAA - Operational Significant Event Imagery
NOAA - SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-aided Tracking
NOAA - Vegetation Condition NOAA - Vegetation Condition Index from ORA Land Surface Team
Northrop Grumman Former Aerojet
POES Polar Orbiting Satellites
Saab Ericsson Saab Ericsson Space
SENER Engineering Consultancy company
SRON GOME page of Space and Research Organisation Netherlands
TIROS Television Infrared Observation Satellite
TNO TNO Space (NL)
TU Vienna Technical University Vienna - Global soil moisture archive
USGS-AVHRR page United States Geological Survey AVHRR page