ESA title
LISA Pathfinder at test centre
Science & Exploration

Call for Media: LISA Pathfinder leaving for launch site

20/08/2015 2137 views 27 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science

Slated for launch by Vega in November, ESA’s gravitational-wave detection technology demonstrator is ready to begin launch preparations in September at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Members of the media are invited to join ESA and Airbus Defence and Space at IABG’s space test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, to get a final glimpse of LISA Pathfinder before it departs to the launch site. 

LISA Pathfinder will help to open up a completely new observational window into the gravitational Universe, proving new technologies needed to measure gravitational waves in space. Predicted by Albert Einstein, these waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime and are produced by massive celestial bodies. Understanding their signature will tell scientists a lot about black holes, compact double stars and other exotic objects.

Members of the media are invited to join ESA’s, Airbus DS and relevant LISA Pathfinder scientists and partners on Tuesday, 1 September from 11:00 CEST, at the IABG space test centre in Ottobrunn near Munich, Germany. 

Programme outline
Einsteinstrasse 20
D-85521 Ottobrunn, Germany

(Times below are in CEST)

11:00–11:05              Prof. Dr. Rudolf F. Schwarz, IABG CEO
11:05–11:15              Alvaro Gimenez, ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration
                                 Opening up the gravitational Universe for ESA’s Science Programme
11:15–11:25              Michael Menking, Airbus DS, Senior Vice President Earth Observation,
                                 Navigation and Science
                                 Airbus DS delivering cutting edge technology to ESA’s science programme
11:25–11:35              Cesar Garcia, ESA LISA Pathfinder Project Manager
                                 LISA Pathfinder mission overview and challenges
11:35–11:45              Ian Honstvet, Airbus DS LISA Pathfinder Project Manager
                                 LISA Pathfinder and its challenges for industry
11:45–11:55              Paul McNamara, ESA LISA Pathfinder Project Scientist
                                 LISA Pathfinder: A new way to look at our Universe
11:55–12:05              Stefano Vitale, LISA Pathfinder Primary Investigator, University of Trento 
                                 and INFN
                                 LISA Technology Package
12:05–13:00              Opportunity for questions, followed by a visit to the cleanroom to see the 
13:00–14:00              Buffet lunch and interview opportunities

Media registration

Please register by 28 August 2015 at with the following information included:
Accreditation form
First Name: __________________________
Surname: ______________________
Nationality: ____________________
Passport No.: ___________________
Issued by: ______________________
Valid until: _____________________
Media: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Tel: ______________________
Email: ___________________________________________

A valid ID-Card or Passport is mandatory to enter the event.
To enter the Cleanroom wearing of long trousers and sturdy shoes are compulsory. 

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