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Boosting awareness with partnerships

12/12/2018 1160 views 5 likes
ESA / About Us / Branding and Partnerships

The European space sector is changing rapidly. The way people communicate is changing rapidly, too. Today, instead of simply consuming news, individuals serve as news and information sources on behalf of their ever-increasing networks of friends and family – for example on social media by sharing, commenting on or ‘liking’ stories or products they have found or created themselves.

ESA Communication, too, is changing to meet these new expectations and challenges. One of the bigger trials of this new style of communicating is the frequently overwhelming volume of content that assails us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Faced with this wealth of information, quality and legitimacy make a real difference.

ESA provides such high-quality content, as a trustworthy and authoritative source. But as well as being a strong and respected voice, we also need to enlist the assistance of influencers to help us send our messages to the general public. 

But in order to increase awareness in wider audiences, we must be present in areas where we are not expected. Partnerships and advertising campaigns are an important way for ESA to reach the general public, and we have a proven history of working on successful campaigns with highly recognisable and branded partners.

To reach an even wider public, we want to create more partnerships with stakeholders beyond the space business, from academia to established multipliers in other sectors.

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