ESA title

James Webb Space Telescope arrives in French Guiana

Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2021 | 11:00 - 11:00 GMT | 13:00 - 13:00 CEST

Type: Download only

Format: 16:9

The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived in French Guiana. ESA, in close collaboration with NASA, will now prepare this once in a generation mission for its December launch on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe’s Spaceport.

As the next great space science observatory following Hubble, Webb is designed to resolve unanswered questions about the Universe and see farther into our origins: from the formation of stars and planets to the birth of the first galaxies in the early Universe.

Footage of Webb arriving at Pariacabo harbour is now available for media professionals:

More footage from the launch campaign will be made available in the coming days at the above link.

Animations of the launch and unfolding, as well as detailed animations showing the Mid-InfraRed and NIRSpec instruments are available here:

More information at: