ESA title
Enabling & Support

ESA's role and offer

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Space for Earth / Space for health

There are many ways to work with ESA on health-related projects. Some of the existing programmes based on fundamental scientific research are directed towards specific health-related topics. Other programmes are directed towards specific groups of industry (e.g. SMEs), or networking collaboration between industry and academia. Still other programmes facilitate spin-in or spin-off technologies. Then there are programmes directed towards utilising particular assets of the Agency, such as navigation, tele-communication or Earth observation satellites and associated infrastructure.

A list of these programmes and the appropriate links to their respective websites is given below. Where it is not clear to the potential user or stakeholder what programme would be appropriate for a particular project, especially where it crosses several domains or potentially has need of intra-Agency cross-directorate facilities, the user is encouraged to contact the Integrated Applications Promotion initiative (IAP – see Contact Us button on this website).

ESA Industry Portal

This portal offers information on business opportunities, information on how to do business with ESA, and specific SME initiatives. This portal also provides access to a database of SME’s already doing business with ESA. This portal offers information on business opportunities, information on how to do business with ESA, and specific SME initiatives. This portal also provides access to a database of SME’s already doing business with ESA.

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ESA Technology Transfer Programme (TTP)

The main mission of the ESA's Technology Transfer Programme Office (TTPO) is to facilitate the use of space technology and space systems for non-space applications and to further demonstrate the benefit of the European space programme to European citizens. The TTPO is responsible for defining the overall approach and strategy for the transfer of space technologies including the incubation of start-up companies and their funding.

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ESA Telecom for Professionals

The Telecom Programme offers a vast range of opportunities for developing applications, technologies, and services, utilising ground and space segments of satellite communications infrastructure. The ARTES programme (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) supports work in this domain.

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ESA ISS Business

Business opportunities on the ISS are facilitated by ESA’s ISS Business Unit, which has also set up Commercial Agents Networks to market and sell the use of services, resources and facilities that ESA can offer on the International Space Station. The domains targeted at present are: biotechnology, health, food and nutrition market sector; and materials and processes industry.

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Earth Observation Market Development (EOMD)

This portal aims to foster the use of Earth Observation (EO) based geo-information services within new market sectors. EOMD supports and funds the EO service industry to grow their business by attracting new clients and encouraging partnership building.

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ESA Data User Element (DUE)

The Data User Element develops applications of earth observation data and demonstrates the benefits to user communities. Many recent and on-going projects have developed services either directly relevant to public health such as air pollution monitoring, or of indirect use such as environmental data sets which are essential for health risk analysis and early warning.

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ESA Innovation Triangle Initiative (ITI)

ITI supports the identification, validation and development of disruptive space innovations based on new ideas or concepts, giving preference to innovations coming originally from non-space industrial or research sectors. This initiative is directed towards “spinning-in” potentially cutting-edge non-space technologies into ESA’s spaceflight programmes.

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Integration in Systems of Systems

Valuable separately, the above assets of space contribution to health increase manifold in value when combined and integrated as systems of systems. The various facets, assets, facilities, infrastructures, and experience, can combine to provide systemic and holistic solutions. The field of health is multifaceted and crosses many disciplines and technologies, all of which must often be viewed and dealt with as a whole in order to provide optimal solutions.

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