ESA title
Business opportunities at Farnborough International Airshow
Science & Exploration

“Business Opportunity from Space” at Farnborough Airshow 2006

17/07/2006 452 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Business

From Monday 17 July to Sunday 23 July 2006 the European Space Agency (ESA) together with the British National Space Centre (BNSC) and UK space industry, will exhibit in the International Space Pavilion at Farnborough International Air Show 2006.

Throughout the week ESA will present current European space programmes and activities in different areas of science and technology, from Earth Observation to Navigation, from Launchers to Human Spaceflight and Exploration.

Among the special events and presentations that will support the exhibition, the session “Business Opportunity from Space – a commercial morning with ESA”, on Monday 17 July will inform visitors about the outstanding opportunities that space activities offer to industry and society.

Together, ESA's Human Exploration Promotion Division, ESA's Technology Transfer and Promotion Office, ESA's Business Incubation Initiative and the European ISS Business Club (IBC) will illustrate new opportunities in the areas of research, technology transfer, promotion and satellite applications, with the aim to promote the industrial utilisation of space-based infrastructures and of space-derived applications.

Support for companies willing to access the weightless environment
Support for companies willing to access the weightless environment

Frank M. Salzgeber, Head of Commercial Development in the Human Exploration Promotion Division, will illustrate the benefits of commercial research in space and will inform how ESA can support companies willing to access the weightless environment of the International Space Station.

Niels Eldering, Deputy Manager of the European Space Incubator (ESI) will introduce the European Space Incubators Network (ESINET), an ESA Technology Transfer initiative aimed at supporting start-up business, and will inform about the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2006.

John Rootes from JRA Aerospace and Adam Tucker from Hertfordshire Business Incubation Centre will demonstrate case examples of technology transfer and best practice of business incubation in the UK context.

New opportunities in areas of research and technology
New opportunities in areas of research and technology

The European ISS Business Club (IBC), ESA's industry club for contributors to the European Elements of the International Space Station (ISS), will highlight the benefits for companies joining ESA's industry club and provide information on industry's contribution to the International Space Station.

The session will take place on Monday 17 July at 11:00 in the Conference Theatre of the International Space Pavilion, Hall 5, and will be followed by a reception for all participants. Experts from ESA, as well as representatives from JRA Aerospace, Hertfordshire Business Incubation Centre and the IBC will be available for discussions throughout the event at the Info Desk “Technology Transfer, Research & Promotion” on the ESA/BNSC/UK Industry Exhibition Stand in the Space Pavilion.

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