ESA title
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Breathtaking!

20/08/2007 399 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Lie-in!

19/08/2007 456 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Pick up magnets

18/08/2007 408 views 0 likes
The CliffBot in action
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Rover testing

17/08/2007 518 views 0 likes
Picture of the landscape taken from the boat
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Men In Black

16/08/2007 679 views 0 likes
Polar bear in the middle of the picture being scared of a flare
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: AMASE initiation

15/08/2007 573 views 0 likes
The NASA JPL rover Cliffbot
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Magnetic dust

14/08/2007 622 views 0 likes
The planned route for the expedition ship around the Svalbard islands
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: First hike

13/08/2007 495 views 0 likes
The reindeer was quite amazing with huge impressive antlers
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Loading ship

12/08/2007 471 views 0 likes
Hans Amundsen, our expedition leader
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Last minute fixes

11/08/2007 822 views 0 likes
View from the firing range
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Rifle shooting

10/08/2007 1055 views 1 likes
Science & Exploration

AMASE student blog: Arrival at Longyearbyen

09/08/2007 889 views 1 likes
Sverrefjell volcano
Science & Exploration

Winner announced in AMASE contest

31/07/2007 819 views 2 likes
Science & Exploration

New Delta schools start voyage of discovery

19/06/2007 309 views 0 likes
Sverrefjell volcano
Science & Exploration

Student Opportunity to take part in Arctic Mars Analog Sval…

25/05/2007 1454 views 1 likes
The students of the class of 2006 gathered around ESA astronaut Gerhard Thiele
Science & Exploration

Study space in the arctic summer

03/05/2007 1159 views 2 likes
Pupils from fourteen Delta schools asked their questions to Michael Lopez-Alegria
Science & Exploration

Delta schools in live radio contact with ISS astronaut

17/04/2007 734 views 0 likes
The SUCCESS winners were announced during a ceremony at the European Astronaut Centre, Cologne
Science & Exploration

Student winner to fly experiment in space

19/03/2007 825 views 0 likes
Eureka Cup
Science & Exploration

Eureka Cup 2007 takes off!

09/02/2007 711 views 0 likes
Talking to Reiter from inside the control room
Science & Exploration

Call to space: inspiration for EuMAS students

19/10/2006 910 views 0 likes
The Oceanological Observatory in Banyuls-sur-mer
Science & Exploration

Future scientists attend 'Life in Space' programme

18/09/2006 427 views 1 likes
Minister Giannakou sent her greetings to the Expedition 13 crew
Science & Exploration

Greece calls Thomas Reiter on ISS

01/08/2006 540 views 0 likes
EuMAS students attended the first ESA lecture series at the University of Pisa
Science & Exploration

First ESA lecture series for EuMAS university students

23/05/2006 964 views 0 likes
Promoting space science during a visit to a local grammar school
Science & Exploration

ESA's ISS Education Kit crosses borders

04/04/2006 508 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

Listen to the radio from an ISS spacesuit

03/02/2006 2970 views 4 likes
Primary level ISS Education Kit for use with pupils aged 8-12
Science & Exploration

New ISS Education Kit for primary schools

10/01/2006 838 views 0 likes
The students took it in turn to put their questions to NASA astronaut Bill McArthur
Science & Exploration

Students talk live with astronaut on ISS

02/12/2005 1402 views 2 likes
ISS Education Kit on the web
Science & Exploration

New online education product for secondary schools

14/11/2005 419 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

ESA sponsors Masters in Aeronautics and Space Technology

19/10/2005 1852 views 5 likes
Goddard Space Flight Center
Science & Exploration

Inspirational field trip for Delta Researcher School teache…

23/09/2005 384 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

New Education Fund members support student experiment

30/05/2005 626 views 1 likes
Competition winners spoke to Roberto Vittori on board the ISS
Science & Exploration

Children talk to Vittori on ISS

21/04/2005 861 views 1 likes
Preparing samples for the Bone Proteomics experiment
Science & Exploration

BOP experiment comes to successful end

20/04/2005 811 views 0 likes
Participants could follow both the visuals and speech of the interactive lecturers over the Internet
Science & Exploration

First interactive lecture for Life in Space Programme

02/03/2005 348 views 0 likes
ESA astronaut Jean-François Clervoy with the students from St. Patrick's Girls National School
Science & Exploration

Greetings from space

05/01/2005 441 views 0 likes
The signing took place at the Dutch Ministry for Education, Culture and Science
Science & Exploration

Campaign to find DELTA schools

13/12/2004 584 views 1 likes
ISS Education Kit for pupils aged 12-15
Science & Exploration

ISS Education Kit now available in eleven languages

05/11/2004 447 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

André Kuipers goes back to school for educational DVD produ…

21/10/2004 1068 views 0 likes
Video Lesson DVD 1 - Mission 1: Newton in space
Science & Exploration

'Newton in space' DVD: a fresh approach to teaching science

15/09/2004 1292 views 2 likes
Scenes were filmed in space by Pedro Duque and Alexander Kaleri
Science & Exploration

“Newton in Space” – youngsters from Germany, Ireland and Sp…

09/09/2004 1126 views 1 likes
Science & Exploration

'Space Team' prepares for the new school year

31/08/2004 407 views 0 likes
The Cardiocog experiment
Science & Exploration

Future scientists to attend 'Life in Space' programme

27/08/2004 446 views 0 likes
Congress participants were invited to order the ISS Education Kit for secondary schools at ESA's stand
Science & Exploration

ISS Education Kit presented to maths teachers

11/08/2004 360 views 0 likes
Workshop participants
Science & Exploration

European teachers collaborate with ESA in development of Pr…

04/08/2004 312 views 0 likes
ISS Education Kit for pupils aged 12-15
Science & Exploration

ISS Education Kit presented to German science teachers

23/06/2004 497 views 0 likes
Science & Exploration

New members join the ISS Education Fund

12/05/2004 290 views 0 likes
Seeds in Space
Science & Exploration

Plants need light to grow in space

27/04/2004 1815 views 1 likes
Competition winners asked their questions one-by-one
Science & Exploration

"I was really quite nervous"

24/04/2004 549 views 0 likes
Watering the seeds before placing them in the rocket-shaped kit
Science & Exploration

Seeds in Space experiment gets underway

22/04/2004 564 views 0 likes
Michel Tognini hands over the astronauts' contribution
Science & Exploration

Astronauts become newest members of ISS Education Fund

08/04/2004 374 views 0 likes
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