ESA title
SMART-1 arrives at Rochambeau, French Guiana, 15 July 2003
Science & Exploration

Leaving Europe - the story in pictures

24/07/2003 659 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / SMART-1
SMART-1 preparations for launch on Ariane Flight 162
SMART-1 preparations for launch on Ariane Flight 162
SMART-1 preparations for hydrazine fuelling
SMART-1 preparations for hydrazine fuelling
Loading SMART-1 with Hydrazine
Loading SMART-1 with Hydrazine
SMART-1 is packed as it will be for launch
SMART-1 is packed as it will be for launch
SMART-1 is lowered onto the adapter
SMART-1 is lowered onto the adapter
SMART-1 being mated to launch adapter
SMART-1 being mated to launch adapter
Meanwhile, launcher preparations are underway
Meanwhile, launcher preparations are underway
Flight 162 -  Ariane 5 receives its "brains" and the upper stage
Flight 162 - Ariane 5 receives its "brains" and the upper stage

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