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Junior Professional Programme - interview

Deep dive into the JP Programme

21/12/2021 6943 views 7 likes
ESA / About Us / Careers at ESA

Xavier Imbert, Head of HR at ESA, and Florence Loustalot, Talent Acquisition Specialist at ESA, discuss the Junior Professional Programme (JPP), launched in November 2021. Read on for their insights into the JPP, including why the programme has been developed, ESA’s goals for the JPP and how to make your application as strong as possible.

Both Xavier and Florence in their respective roles are dedicated to identifying, attracting and retaining the ideal candidates in order to meet ESA’s overarching strategic objectives. Xavier defines, oversees and implements ESA’s HR strategy, while Florence coordinates ESA’s entry-level programmes and related talent acquisition efforts. 

Xavier Imbert, Head of HR
Xavier Imbert, Head of HR

Why was the programme developed?

Xavier: We felt we needed a programme to complement and enlarge the spectrum of the existing entry-level programmes, one that would both respond to ESA’s current requirements and strategic needs and meet the expectations of junior candidates in today’s competitive employer environment. The JPP fills the gap in our entry-level programme spectrum, between our Young Graduate Trainee Programme for new graduates and our professional roles that require at least five years’ experience. Until now, we could not offer suitable opportunities for candidates whose experience level falls in between the two.

Florence Loustalot, Talent Acquisition Specialist
Florence Loustalot, Talent Acquisition Specialist

Florence: We decided to establish a programme for younger generations because, while ESA is of course always looking to bring new talent on board, we also wanted to answer the needs of the younger generations who are seeking purposeful careers, attractive work packages and opportunities to learn and develop.

What are the goals of the programme?

Xavier: One of the goals is to prepare for future workforce requirements while simultaneously fostering diversity, particularly in terms of geography, gender and generation. With the JPP, we also hope to attract and retain talent in future key areas at the Agency.

Florence: Also fundamental to the programme is the preparation of JPs for a long-term role at the Agency, whether to expand the expertise in critical domains or to support departments where our people will leave over the coming years. This focus on the JP’s future career at ESA is the major difference between the JPP and our other entry-level programmes.

What can Junior Professionals expect from the programme?

Florence: JPs will participate in a comprehensive learning and development scheme, including on-the-job learning, a rotation scheme and networking, that is tailored to their profile and position. This will allow them to integrate smoothly into the Agency, understand its way of working and become familiar with its partners. JPs can also expect excellent employment conditions, including a competitive salary and positive work-life balance.

Xavier: The ESA Junior Professional Programme has a forward-looking perspective: subject to good technical and behavioural performance, the JP will be offered a permanent contract at the end of the three-year assignment. JPs can also count on an inspiring, multicultural and dynamic professional environment, as well as numerous opportunities for social, sports and cultural life outside of work.

What does ESA expect from a future JPP?

Florence: I can give you a few key qualities: team spirit, an appetite to learn and share knowledge, resourcefulness, open-mindedness and, last but certainly not least, a passion for what you do.

Who can apply?

Florence: To apply for the JPP programme, you should have a Master’s degree and two to three years of professional experience. If you already participated in one of our entry-level career programmes, this time spent at ESA counts towards the experience requirement. You will also have to be a citizen of one of the ESA Member States, Associate Member States or Canada as a Cooperating State.

How important is the experience requirement?

Florence: We take the experience requirement very seriously because the programme is designed for junior professionals at the beginning of their career. Applicants must have gained two to three years’ professional experience since graduating from their Master’s programme by the time they join ESA. But of course, if you are interested in the programme and you have a shortfall or excess of experience by just one or two months, please do not hesitate to apply.

How often will the call for applications be?

Xavier: The next JPP selection round is currently foreseen for 2025. However, if the programme is as successful as we hope it will be, we can envisage to have calls for JP recruitment more often – and, in fact, this is our intention. That said, this is a pilot programme and as such, these details are not yet certain.

Why should someone apply to the JPP?

Florence: This programme is, let’s say, the future, with positions open in areas that are predicted to be essential in the coming years, including artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, cybersecurity and commercialisation.

Who will be involved alongside the JPs?

Xavier: JPs will work most closely with their managers, who will guide them and help them grow into their roles and adapt their projects where necessary. Together with HR Advisors, they will follow the JP’s performance closely and define their development scheme.

How can I share this information with my network?

Florence: You can spread the word on social media by sharing our key visual for the campaign (see below) with a short text summarising the information together with the link to either the careers website, our news article or recruitment website. If you would like to use hashtags, please feel free to use #ESArecruits and #ESAcareers.

Any final comments?

Florence: As there are diverse positions open across most of our directorates, take the time to find the vacancy that is the best fit for you. If you are well-suited to multiple JPP positions, you can submit more than one application. We wish all those who apply the best of luck!

Looking for more information?

Learn everything you need to know about the Junior Professional Programme, employment conditions, recruitment and timeline for applications here and head to the dedicated FAQ page for answers to your most common queries.

If you have a question that is not answered on the FAQ page, please contact us at

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