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The Mars500 crew is answering your questions by email!

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Mars500

During the Mars500 mission questions could be sent to the crew via email. The best questions were selected and sent to the crew to answer. Below are some answers.

As on a real trip to Mars communications was not done in real-time, questions were relayed to them through 'mission control'.

have you brought any sci-fi books/movies involving space travelling (like Alien etc)? If so, what is it like to read/watch them while being part of this eksperiment?
Jarle, Norway

Hello Jarle,
We have brought with us a lot of Sci-fi books and movies. Each time that we watch one of them, we always comment it. We are much more sensible to each detail of the film or of the book.
For example, we saw “2001: A Space Odyssee” a couple of weeks ago and I could really feel the loneliness and the monotony that the 2 main characters had to endure. I didn’t experience these feelings the first time that I saw this movie.

Dear Mars 500 Crew:
Thinking about you guys a lot. Wonder how you are doing?
May I be frank? I would find it very hard to be away from my wife for so long...May I ask: how are you coping with missing your loved ones, partners or wives?
I believe that this will deepen your personal relationships with them "back on earth"; what is important is the willingness to love, to continue to see it through, not merely the "loving", right?
In Great Admiration,
chaz mean
Miami, FL

Hello Chaz,
Each of us has a different way to cope with the distance between us and our loved ones. I tend to write them a lot of messages. I tell them what is happening here and they tell me how life is going on outside.
During my studies I already spent several months away from my family so 107 days of isolation is still bearable. In one year, I’m not sure if I would have the same answer for you.

I see what you mean, I think if I had wife and/or kids it would be much more difficult for me than it is already. However, there are guys in the crew who do have this kind of family and it looks like they are handling it extremely well.

It is not easy to leave out there all the people you love. Your observation is very insightful, because In my experience until now, yes, it does tighten your relationships with the people you can share this extremely particular experience with, and who are waiting for you to get out on the last day. The communication is difficult, but at the same time, I don’t usually write emails as long as I do now!

Good morning sir
Have you any kind of method to change the personal feeling of time??? Regards
Nick Saltabidas

Hello Nick,
My method is very simple: I keep busy. On top of our daily work I planned other activities (review my physics lessons, continue to study the Russian language and play the guitar). I never have enough time to do everything!
Another important point is that, with the crew, we rarely talk about the days left. We just focus on the week to come.

Hello! If I understand well and you mean a way of seeing time pass faster, I do! I think time passes fast when I read or am very busy working on an experiment, or when I am working on a graphic design project in my free time. When I do this, I fell like time goes much faster.
If on the other hand, for some odd reason, I wanted to slow down time, I would spend more time in the thread mill! (one of our hardest exercise machines) It never seems to end when I am on it!

Hello Romain,
Just a note to wish you well from an old friend at Aston Martin. I was told what you are doing and I was very suprised.
I thought Sotira was a challenge but this is nearly out of this world !!!
I am going to the Red sea at the end of September on a live a board to do some diving. Can you receive pictures?
If you can, I will send some under water pics if you would like to see them .
Hope all is well
Best of luck
Nigel Turner, Aston Martin - Paint Engineer

Hello Nigel,
It was a real pleasure to discover your message. Please send my best regards to all the people who remember me at Aston Martin.
I would be glad to receive your under water pictures. With them, you will make two persons happy because our commander (Alexey Sitev) is a professional diver and he already hanged several of his pictures on the walls.
Enjoy your holidays!

hola diego..un saludo desde cádiz de inma,juan y nuestra gatita aruca maría..que tal la comida que llevais?..cuidaros.

Hi, the food is great! Though there is some difficulty in repeating the same dishes often, and eating exactly what you need to, sometimes more than you would like! However we are coping with the situation rather well! Of course, it would be much better if we had Tortillas de Camarones from Cadiz!

Hola! La comida es muy buena, aunque a veces es difícil repetir los mismos platos en intervalos de poco tiempo, y comer exactamente lo que te piden, que a veces es más de lo que quisieras. De cualquier manera hemos logrado adaptarnos bien! Por supuesto, sería mejor si pudiéramos comer Tortillas de Camarones !

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