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Relay system speeds vital data flow with 75,000 links

12/06/2023 1189 views 28 likes
ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications

Life-saving data that enables European governments to respond rapidly to crises is flowing swiftly from space to Earth, thanks to the most sophisticated space-based laser communication network ever built.

The European Data-Relay System (EDRS) – which consists of two telecommunications satellites in geostationary orbit some 36 000 kilometres above Earth – has just forged its 75 000th link with Earth observation satellites in low Earth orbit, sending over 4.5 petabytes of crucial data to Europe within minutes.

Because they are in geostationary orbit, the two EDRS satellites maintain a constant data connection with their ground stations, whereas low Earth orbiting satllites can only relay their data as they pass over their ground stations, which introduces a delay of up to 90 minutes. By sending their data via the EDRS satellites, the low Earth orbiting satellites can eliminate the delay and send information almost instantaneously.

During last summer’s wildfires in Greece, Earth-observation satellites in low Earth orbit were used to spot fires on Lesvos that burned pine forest, shrubland and cultivated fields – and led to the evacuation of hundreds of residents and tourists from the area.

This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image shows the active fire front that stretches for more than four kilometres. Thick billowing smoke is visible blowing in a southwest direction.
This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image shows the active fire front that stretches for more than four kilometres. Thick billowing smoke is visible blowing in a southwest direction.

EDRS recently completed 1 000 000 minutes of communications not only with the four Sentinel satellites that watch over Earth and form part of the EU’s Copernicus programme, but also with the International Space Station, which first started to use EDRS in January 2022.

EDRS is a Partnership Project between ESA and operator Airbus as part of ESA’s efforts to federate industry around large-scale programmes, stimulating technology developments to achieve economic benefits.

The two EDRS satellites were built by Airbus and by OHB System in Germany, under ESA’s programme of Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems, with Airbus co-investing in the development.

EDRS is an independent European telecommunication satellite system, promoting European autonomy in space.

ESA is working to develop a large-scale robust space-enabled system to enable European governments to respond rapidly to crises on Earth caused by climate change or malicious actions such as cyberattacks on power or water supplies. Called “Rapid and Resilient Crisis Response”, it is part of ESA’s efforts to accelerate the use of space to improve life on Earth.

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