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ESA and CNES collaborate towards a European Space Transportation Hub

18/11/2021 1809 views 8 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation

ESA and the French space agency, CNES, are exploring together the possibility to create a European Space Transportation Hub.

The Hub, planned to be located in the Paris region, opens the possibility for the main European actors in space transportation to be brought together in the same location and for that location to become an emblematic centre for space transportation in Europe. 

This proximity will encourage potential synergies and promote innovation through the sharing of means, practices and expertise. This would bring benefits in future preparation and implementation activities in this sector. 

This project is currently awaiting final approval by ESA and CNES governing bodies in late 2022. The current target date for completion of the project is June 2023 at the earliest, depending on which building project is chosen. 

This long-standing idea for collaboration is now gaining momentum. To gauge levels of interest and possible involvement in the project, a general call for expression of interest from those active in European space transportation has been published.

Any interested organisation should send a letter of interest to ESA via email as per the following link ( by 31 December at the latest.

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