ESA title
Science & Exploration

My weight on other planets

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

Science and Mathematics 2 star    hat

Not only the Earth applies on us the gravitational force that pull us to its surface. Every object has a gravitational pull towards any another object with a mass. The only difference is the strength of the pull. If an object has more mass, the pull is stronger (the Earth has a very strong pull because it has a big mass). There is gravity on all the planets. If we were standing on the surface of Saturn, as Saturn exerts a stronger gravitational force than the Earth, we would weigh more than on Earth!

Your weight is the force your body feels because of its mass in the presence of gravity. Your mass always stays the same – but depending on whether you stand on Earth or the much smaller Moon, the force is stronger or weaker.

Find out how much you would weigh if you were on… >> >>