ESA title
Science & Exploration

University level activities

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Education

We currently run the following activities for university level students (18+ years old):

  • SUCCESS contest
    The SUCCESS contest is a competition to select a student experiment that could be conducted on board the International Space Station*.

    See the SUCCESS contest pages for more information about the latest contest.

    [* If more suitable, an alternative research facility e.g. Foton capsule, sounding rocket, drop tower or parabolic aircraft could be offered as well.]

  • Student experiments
    Student proposed experiments have already been conducted on board the International Space Station.

    During the Dutch Soyuz Mission - 'DELTA', two student proposed experiments, GraPhoBox and BugNRG, were carried out. During the Spanish Soyuz Mission - 'Cervantes', the Chondro, Winograd, APIS and THEBAS experiments were carried out.

    The winner of the SUCCESS 2002 Student Contest, worked at ESA's research and techology centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, to prepare his proposed experiment, 'Bone Proteomics', for flight to ISS during the Esperia Mission in April 2005.

  • 'Life in Space' programme
    ESA supports the 'Life in Space' programme held each summer at the Banyuls Laboratory in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France.

    The students attend lectures and workshops on the space environment, the origins of life, and the role of gravity in cellular, animal and plant development.

    As the main non-academic partner, ESA contributes expertise by organising lectures presented by ESA experts and astronauts.

    The intensive two-week course is open to students from all over Europe.

    More about 'Life in Space' »»

  • SpaceMaster - Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology
    SpaceMaster is a two-year EU sponsored course under the umbrella of the EC/DG Culture Erasmus Mundus Programme open to students from all over the world.

    The space expertise of six European universities is pooled together in the programme, which gives students the opportunity to study space science at the top technical and engineering universities in Europe.

    ESA contributes to the SpaceMaster programme through the provision of grants, placements and lectures.

    More about SpaceMaster »»

  • European Masters Course in Aeronautics and Space Technology (EuMAS)
    EuMAS is a two-year EU sponsored course under the umbrella of the EC/DG Culture Erasmus Mundus Programme for students from Europe and abroad.

    World-class education in the aerospace engineering field is provided by a consortium of 5 top European technical universities.

    Within the programme there are two study options: aeronautical engineering or space technology. Both options provide a thorough introduction and a good basis for a professional career in the aeronautics and space industry.

    ESA contributes to the EuMAS programme through the provision of grants, placements and lectures.

    More about EuMAS »»